The Authors

Gregory Stump is a professor of linguistics at the University of Kentucky, where he served for fifteen years as director of the interdepartmental linguistics program, and where, in 2009, he received the Arts & Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award. His principal research interests are the theory and typology of complex systems of inflectional morphology. He has published extensively in these areas, with work on default-override relations, defectiveness, deponency, heteroclisis, inflection-class systems, morphological headedness, position-class morphology, stem alternations, syncretism, and the implicative structure of inflectional paradigms; in his book Inflectional Morphology: A Theory of Paradigm Structure (Cambridge, 2001), he proposes Paradigm Function Morphology, an innovative theory of inflectional form that is paradigm-based and inferential-realizational in design. Stump’s research interests also include the morphosyntax of the Indo-Iranian languages and model-theoretic approaches to semantics. In the former area, he has done extensive work on Sanskrit morphology and has collaborated with Andrew Hippisley in researching the alignment systems of the Pamir languages. His semantic publications include The Semantic Variability of Absolute Constructions (Reidel, 1985) as well as recent work on inflectional semantics. Stump served from 2006 to 2009 as review editor of the journal Language, and currently serves as co-editor of the journal Word Structure.


Raphael Finkel, PhD Stanford 1976, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Kentucky since 1987, has received several teaching awards and is a past editor of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He was associated with the first work on quad trees, k-d trees, quotient networks, and the Roscoe/Arachne, Charlotte, Yackos, and Unify operating systems. He was involved in developing DIB, a package for dynamically distributing tree-structured computations on an arbitrary number of computers. His research includes tools for Unix system administration, databases, operating systems, distributed algorithms, computational morphology, web-based homework, and answer-set programming applications, and facilities for manipulation of Yiddish texts. He has published over 50 articles in refereed journals and two textbooks.